You can easy add your newsletter subscribe/signup block to any of your pages or posts with our special Visual Page Builder element/shortcode MGT Signup Block

[mgt_header_block_wp title=”Signup block example” subtitle=”Boxed layout”]
[mgt_signup_block_wp background_color=”#1151d3″ text_color=”white” form_url=”//″]
[mgt_header_block_wp title=”Signup block example” subtitle=”Fullwidth layout”]
[mgt_signup_block_wp background_color=”#1151d3″ text_color=”white” form_url=”//″]
[mgt_header_block_wp title=”Signup block example” subtitle=”Custom Color & Custom Text”]
[mgt_signup_block_wp background_color=”#4e8b78″ text_color=”white” text=”Want to work with us?” button_text=”Get now!” form_url=”//″]
[mgt_header_block_wp title=”Signup block example” subtitle=”Custom Color & Dark Text”]
[mgt_signup_block_wp background_color=”#e0d5bf” text=”Have a project? Email to us!” button_text=”Send email!” form_url=”//″]